Terms and Conditions
FFL transfers:
If you purchase a firearm from another dealer, the selling dealer will need a copy of our FFL (Federal Firearms License) before your firearm can be shipped/transferred to us.
Please allow 24-48 hours to process your firearm once we receive it.
Please note: We do not accept NFA (silencer/suppressor/short barrel rifle) transfers.
Please follow these steps:
Please provide us with an email address for the dealer and the firearm information so we can send them a copy of our FFL. Please send the following info in the email Include your name, Order number, tracking info of shipment when you have this info, and any other information related to the transfer.
Even if delivery has been confirmed by the shipper, we still need time to book the firearm into our system. We will call you when it’s ready for pickup.
When you come to get your firearm, you must have a VALID TEXAS DRIVER’S LICENSE or TEXAS ID with your correct current address. Military will need CAC and PCS Orders if you don’t have a Texas Driver’s License or ID.
The rightful owner of the firearm MUST be the one to fill out the 4473 Form. During peak season, it may take up to 48 hours to process your firearm.
Law enforcement officers must provide both their credentials and a letterhead signed by their department's superior officer stating that the firearm will be used in the execution of the L.E.O.'s duties. We only recognize City Police Officers, County Sheriff Deputies, and State Police (including Highway Patrol) as L.E.O.’s.
Some of the states listed above may not have L.E.O. exemptions. Please contact us BEFORE placing your order.
We do NOT ship directly to L.E.O.’s; the order must go to an FFL. We do NOT make exceptions for this policy.
Firearm Shipments:
We ship only to valid FFL dealers.
Firearms cannot be shipped to a P.O. Box.
The customer is responsible for knowing his/her state laws regarding firearm transfers. Contact your local FFL dealer with any questions regarding the sale or transfer of firearms. Contact your local FFL before ordering a firearm to verify their transfer fee and to ensure they will receive your transfer. The customer assumes all responsibility and cost for returned firearms due to FFL refusal or failure to receive.
If you order a handgun, Rifle, stockless shotgun, complete AR or AK receiver, or stripped lower receiver, YOU MUST be:
A legal resident of the state in which you are ordering.
21 years of age or older to complete the transfer through your FFL.
Exceptions: Military personnel stationed in a state other than their legal residence may purchase firearms across state lines. Contact your local FFL receiving the transfer as you may have to provide proof of deployment, residence, etc.
Please note that we DO NOT ship standard-capacity magazines to the states with arbitrary restrictions.
We will not ship ANY items to the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.).
We will not ship ANY items to the state of Massachusetts.
We will not ship ANY AR or AK Parts or Firearms (Including Receivers) to residents of Connecticut, Chicago, Illinois, Cook County, Illinois, or Deerfield, Illinois.
We will not ship any AR or AK parts to Denver, Colorado.
Illinois: All hand guns handgun having a barrel, slide, frame or receiver which is a die casting of zinc alloy or other non-homogeneous metal that melts or deforms at a temperature of less than 800 degrees Fahrenheit are prohibited.
Minnesota: All hand guns handgun having a barrel, slide, frame or receiver which is a die casting of zinc alloy or other non-homogeneous metal that melts or deforms at a temperature of less than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, of any material having an ultimate tensile strength of less than 55,000 pounds per square inch, and of any powdered metal having a density of less than 7.5 grams per cubic centimeter are prohibited.
We will not ship ANY AR or AK Firearms (Including Receivers) to residents of Aurora, Highland Park, Deerfield, or Cook County, Illinois.
We will not ship any handguns to CA that are not on the DOJ roster. This includes Single Shot Exemption conversions.
No AR parts will be shipped to Connecticut. All such orders will be cancelled and the customer will be charged a 5% fee.
Stripped lower receivers will NOT be shipped to the following states:
Colorado (Boulder, Denver, Vail)
Complete AR and AK receivers will NOT be shipped to the following states:
Colorado (Boulder, Denver, Vail)
New Jersey
New York
Non-Compliant AR & AK models will NOT be shipped to the following states:
California (No “assault weapons” can be shipped.)
Colorado (Boulder, Denver, Vail)
New Jersey
New York
Please note that we DO NOT ship high-capacity magazines with firearms to the states listed above. We WILL NOT replace high capacity magazines with state compliant magazines. We DO NOT offer refunds in place of the magazines.
Law enforcement officers must provide both their credentials and a letterhead signed by their department's superior officer stating that the firearm will be used in the execution of the L.E.O.'s duties. We only recognize City Police Officers, County Sheriff Deputies, and State Police (including Highway Patrol) as L.E.O.’s.
Some of the states listed above may not have L.E.O. exemptions. Please contact us BEFORE placing your order.
We do NOT ship directly to L.E.O.’s; the order must go to an FFL. We do NOT make exceptions for this policy.
P.O. Box Shipments/Restrictions
Firearms cannot be shipped to a P.O. Box.
Reynolds Armory LLC abides by all Federal Regulations regarding hazardous material shipped through United States Postal Service. A hazardous material is any article or substance designated by the U.S. Department of Transportation as being capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, or property during transportation. This includes, but is not limited to:
Minor Blast/Minor Projection Hazard — Ammunition
Oxidizing Substances — Batteries
Flammable Solids — Black Powder
Flammable and combustible liquid — Cleaners, oil, and aerosol cans
If you wish to order any hazardous material, you must provide a physical address for shipment through UPS.
Magazine Ordering Restrictions
Reynolds Armory LLC abides by all state regulations regarding the sale of high capacity magazines. We DO NOT ship high-capacity magazines with firearms to the states listed below. We WILL NOT replace high capacity magazines with state compliant magazines. We DO NOT offer refunds in place of the magazines.
It is the customer’s responsibility for understanding state laws regarding magazine capacities. Customers ordering magazines that are illegal to own in their state will have their orders cancelled and will be charged a 5% restocking fee.
California — No magazines greater than 10 rounds
Colorado — No magazines greater than 15 rounds, effective July 1st, 2013
Boulder — No magazines greater than 10 rounds
Connecticut — 10 Rounds and less with a valid permit.
Hawaii — No magazines greater than 10 rounds
Illinois (North Chicago) — No rifle magazines greater than 16 rounds
Aurora, Skokie, Chicago, Evanston — No rifle magazines greater than 15 rounds
Highland Park, Cook County, Dolton, Homewood, Deerfield — No rifle magazines greater than 10 rounds
Deerfield — No shotgun magazines over 5 rounds
Indiana (South Bend) — No magazines greater than 15 rounds
Maryland — No magazines greater than 10 rounds October 1st, 2013
Massachusetts — No sales. We will not ship ANY items to the state of Massachusetts.
New York — No magazines greater than 10 rounds
New Jersey — No magazines greater than 15 rounds
Vermont — No rifle magazines over 10 rounds will be shipped as of April 13, 2018. No pistol magazines over 15 rounds effective immediately.
Washington D.C. — No Sales. We will not ship ANY items to the District of Columbia.
We will not ship high capacity magazines for CA customers to a High Capacity Magazine Dealer. High Capacity Magazine Dealers in CA may place orders with us directly.
Law enforcement officers must provide both their credentials and a letterhead signed by their department's superior officer stating that the magazine will either be used in the execution of the L.E.O.'s duties, or off duty. We only recognize City Police Officers, County Sheriff Deputies, and State Police (including Highway Patrol) as L.E.O.’s.
Some of the states listed above may not have L.E.O. exemptions. Please contact us BEFORE placing your order.
Ammunition Ordering Restrictions
Reynolds Armory LLC abides by all state regulations regarding the sale of ammunition.
You agree and accept all policies described in our Terms of Use.
You are at least 21 years of age (for handgun ammunition) or 18 years of age (for rifle ammunition).
By purchasing ammunition, you are not violating any local, state, or federal laws.
You have not been convicted of any felony, a misdemeanor of domestic abuse, and you are not chemically dependent.
You have no legal restraint that would prohibit you from possessing, ordering, owning, or transferring ammunition.
You have never been committed to any mental institution, or been adjudicated as mentally defective. You will not sell ammunition to any minor.
You cannot have ammunition shipped to a post office box.
You do not live in a state, city, or county that prohibits you from owning, purchasing, or transferring ammunition.
Customers who order ammunition in states prohibiting the order of ammunition will have their orders cancelled and a 5% restocking fee will be charged.
California — No Sales to the cities of Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento, San Francisco, or Avalon.
Connecticut — No sales without a valid permit.
Alaska — No Sales. Ammunition must be shipped to a freight forwarder.
Hawaii — No Sales. Ammunition must be shipped to a freight forwarder.
Illinois — No sales to the city of Chicago or Cook County. All other Illinois residents must email us a copy of their FOID card in addition to their State ID. Ammunition must ship to an address on one of these ID's.
Massachusetts — No sales. We will not ship ANY items to the state of Massachusetts.
Maryland — No Sales to the City of Annapolis and Montgomery County
New York — No Sales to New York City, or its five Burroughs. Starting January 1st, 2014 all ammunition must be sent to a FFL.
New Jersey — When ordering ammunition commonly used in a handgun/to be used in a handgun, email us a copy of your Firearms ID. We must ship to the address on the FID.
Puerto Rico —No Sales. Ammunition must be shipped to a freight forwarder.
Washington D.C. — No sales. We will not ship ANY items to the District of Columbia.
This is not a comprehensive list, but is meant as a guide. It is in no way meant to include all laws and restrictions across the United States. Please contact the authorities in your area for any possible restrictions.
Other Ordering Restrictions
Alaska — No tannerite sales.
Hawaii — No magazines greater than 10 rounds. No AR or AK pistol sales.
Maryland — No tannerite sales.
Massachusetts — No sales.
Minnesota — The following firearms are prohibited in the state of Minnesota: GSG Rimfire pistols, Walther Rimfire Pistols, Cobra, Phoenix Arms, and Heritage Arms.
Vermont — No rifle magazines over 10 rounds will be shipped as of April 13, 2018. No pistol magazines over 15 rounds effective immediately.
Washington D.C. — No sales.
Please take your time to inspect all firearms thoroughly BEFORE proceeding with the transfer. Once a new firearm is transferred to you it is considered used, even if unfired. Consequently, we cannot provide a full refund for new firearms once they have been transferred into your possession. Also, we DO NOT reimburse FFL transfer fees on returned items. We do understand that some manufacturer defects may not be identifiable upon initial inspection. However, upon discovering a defect AFTER the transfer, the firearm MUST be returned directly to the manufacturer for replacement or repair (in accordance with manufacturer’s warranty policy). By sending a defective firearm directly to the manufacturer, you can avoid the unnecessary transfer fees of returning the firearm to us through your local FFL dealer. PLEASE DO NOT SEND DEFECTIVE FIREARMS DIRECTLY TO Reynolds Armory LLC. Manufacturer repaired firearms can be returned directly to the customer without additional FFL transfer or associated fees. However, if the manufacturer chooses to replace the firearm, the replacement firearm must transfer through your local FFL dealer to document the replacement firearm serial number.